
    Never before has the complete account of the Apparition of LaSalette been published in English in one booklet. In these pages, you will find a fresh English translation of Melanie’s description of what happened on the mountain on Sept. 19th, 1846. Her bishop published this with his Imprimatur and the blessing of Rome, in 1879 and it became the famous "Diocese of Lecce pamphlet."  This booklet additionally includes Maximin’s Secret and the Rule that Our Lady dictated for a new religious Order. The original handwritten accounts, which the children sent to Pope Pius IX in 1851, resurfaced in the Vatican archives in 1999 and thus provide corroboration. In 2011, a Carmelite nun heard a locution that it was time to start this new Order. She has gathered Lay Theotokans who have helped her produce this translation. because the Secret is for our times!  72 pp.

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