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This book contains messages recorded in May and June 2004 from Jesus the Redeemer and from many saints. Jesus continues to draw us closer to Him. He encourages trust in Him and to be focused on Him. Additionally, He gives us warning of things to come so that we may prepare ourselves spiritually by relying more and more on Jesus. Through the messages He provides understanding and divine calm to our souls.

There are numerous messages from the saints including St. Therese, the Little Flower and St. Joan of Arc, among several others. They give very practical advice on growing in holiness and encourage us to rely on them for their heavenly intercession. They cover a variety of spiritual topics including detachment, discouragement, trust in God, courage, duties in family life, and more.

May 25, 2004 Jesus
Jesus the Redeemer

"When souls criticise My Church and it's leaders, you must direct them to Me. They should never spread disunity among My followers. If they bring their concerns to Me in prayer I will give them the light to understand exactly what is happening and why it must be. I do not abandon My Church, I assure you, and those who constantly criticise its leaders are speaking with little faith because if I allowed leaders to dismantle what Peter began for Me, it would be the same as abandoning it to a flawed humanity. Be one who defends the Church. Let it be known that you will not tolerate My Church being ridiculed and vilified.... I will help you and show you how I want you to respond to attacks you witness. You must arm yourself in prayer and understand that this is a spiritual battle. I am with you and will remain with you."


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